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Addiction Therapy

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The Importance of Nutrition for Addiction Recovery

A nutrition counseling program can help you get into better shape and health by eating quality food and getting all the nutrients your body needs during recovery. Nutrition for addiction recovery is different than a typical nutrition program. It considers the nutrients your body may lack as well as those that can help with symptoms of […]

#nutrition counseling

3 February 2024

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5 Different Types of Anxiety Explained

If you are struggling with anxiety, you know that anxiety symptoms are much more than an emotional and apprehensive feeling. Many disorders fall under the umbrella of anxiety, and because it is a personalized experience, anxiety can be challenging to diagnose. Sometimes anxiety can also manifest as a symptom of an underlying disorder or lead […]

#anxiety treatment

4 February 2024

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3 Benefits of Group Therapy During Addiction Recovery

If you’re looking for a group therapy program in Los Angeles or wherever you’re located, you likely have researched the benefits of group therapy. People are typically wary of group therapy programs, especially clients in addiction treatment programs. The thought of opening up and talking about their problems in front of a bunch of strangers […]

#Addiction Therapy

9 February 2024

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Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment & Depression Program in CA: 7 Signs of Severe Depression

Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment & Depression Program in CA Depression is a widespread mental health condition affecting millions worldwide, and its impact can be severe and long-lasting. The condition can manifest in many ways, with some forms of depression being particularly severe and debilitating. For individuals struggling with depression, seeking help from a depression treatment […]


18 February 2024

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Addiction Rehab

#heroin detox

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What Is the Best Way to Detox from Heroin?

18 February 2024

Making the choice to stop using drugs can be one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Just seeking help is the first step to a more successful version of yourself. However, when you are struggling with heroin addiction, just quitting may not be an option. Detoxing from heroin is a painful and […]



#Depression Therapy

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Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment & Depression Program in CA: 7 Signs of Severe Depression

18 February 2024

Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment & Depression Program in CA Depression is a widespread mental health condition affecting millions worldwide, and its impact can be severe and long-lasting. The condition can manifest in many ways, with some forms of depression being particularly severe and debilitating. For individuals struggling with depression, seeking help from a depression treatment […]

Addiction Therapy

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Signs of a Benzo Addiction

17 February 2024

Who needs to get admitted into a Benzo addiction rehab program? Even if you know how to look for signs of Benzo addiction, people with substance use disorders may mask the symptoms of their difficult drug use. They may also cut off all contact with their loved ones, making watching them difficult. However, it’s a […]

Addiction Therapy

#cocaine rehab center

#signs of cocaine use

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Signs of Cocaine Addiction

17 February 2024

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, over 14 percent of all Americans age 12 and older have used cocaine in their lifetimes. It’s essential to know what the signs of cocaine addiction are so that you can step in to help a friend or family member. If you or your loved one is […]

Addiction Therapy

#xanax rehab center

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Is Xanax Addictive?

17 February 2024

You likely have never heard of the drug alprazolam but will surely recognize its popular brand name, Xanax. When the Benzo drug treats anxiety, panic attacks, and severe manic disorders, Xanax can act as a central nervous system depressant. This means the drug will slow down your thinking and certain brain processes, bringing calm and […]

Addiction Therapy

#alcohol detox center

#drug detox center

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Is Drug and Alcohol Detox Safe?

17 February 2024

For anyone who is currently struggling with a substance use disorder but desires to get clean and has the willingness to put in the time and effort in working toward recovery, a safe drug and alcohol detox is the best first step. If you have shown signs of physical and psychological dependence on an illicit […]

Holistic Addiction Treatment

#Exercise Therapy

#Holistic Detox

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Los Angeles Holistic Addiction Treatment

17 February 2024

Holistic addiction treatment is a comprehensive approach that addresses the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of individuals struggling with addiction. It focuses on treating the whole person rather than just the addictive behavior. The benefits of holistic addiction treatment in Los Angeles are multifaceted and can profoundly impact recovery. Holistic addiction treatment addresses the root […]

Addiction Therapy

#outpatient detox

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Advantages of Outpatient Detox During Covid

17 February 2024

If you or someone you know suffers from a substance use disorder during COVID, you must know that you are not alone. Countless individuals in the world are struggling along with you. These are difficult times as facilities reopen and much-needed physical connections are re-established. Your addiction is treatable but requires professional support to heal […]

Addiction Therapy

#Addiction Therapy

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What Does Behavior Therapy Do for Addiction

17 February 2024

Behavior therapy for addiction helps people during their drug abuse treatment. This therapy teaches life skills for coping with high-anxiety situations and handling environmental triggers that could lead to relapse. With help from outpatient therapy, individuals will be encouraged to modify their behaviors. Avedis Recovery helps them see the incentives for staying sober. There are […]

Addiction Therapy

#living with mdd

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8 Tips for Living with Major Depressive Disorder

17 February 2024

Living with major depressive disorder or MDD can cause many difficulties. But depression therapy can help in managing symptoms. Avedis Detox Center offers depression treatment in Los Angeles, California. Don’t struggle with MDD any longer; call us today at 833.514.0579. Living With Major Depressive Disorder We offer depression treatment in Los Angeles, California. Living with […]

Addiction Therapy

#signs of alcoholism

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7 Common Signs You Have a Drinking Problem

17 February 2024

Learn the common signs you have a drinking problem. Call 833.514.0579 for alcohol rehab in Los Angeles, California. Alcohol addiction can ruin your life. That is why it is so important to know the signs of a drinking problem so that you can avoid ramifications of alcohol use, such as having your drinking problem lead […]

Addiction Therapy

#heroin detox

#heroin withdrawal

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How Long Does Heroin Withdrawal Last?

17 February 2024

If you have been struggling with heroin use, you may have some idea about how difficult it can be to quit using heroin. However, knowing how long heroin withdrawal lasts during the heroin addiction detox process can be one of the important factors to help you complete heroin detox. If you’re seeking heroin withdrawal near […]


#causes of depression


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High-Functioning Depression and Addiction

16 February 2024

High-functioning depression is a term used to describe a condition where an individual experiences depression (or major depressive disorder). However, they can still maintain their routine and fulfill their responsibilities. Often, people with high-functioning depression are successful in their careers. They often have strong relationships and appear to be functioning well on the surface. However, […]

Addiction Rehab

#heroin detox

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Dangers of Heroin Withdrawal

15 February 2024

Heroin withdrawal can be dangerous and lead to painful, frustrating symptoms. The dangers of heroin withdrawal will depend on how often the drug was used and the length of time the patient has struggled with substance use disorder. That’s why finding the right heroin detox center is vital for a patient’s recovery. Heroin withdrawal has […]

Addiction Rehab

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Why You Need an Inpatient Rehab in Los Angeles?

13 February 2024

If you live in Los Angeles or the surrounding area and are considering residential addiction treatment, you may feel overwhelmed. Not all inpatient rehab centers are alike; they differ substantially in programs offered and treatments available. It may be difficult to determine who can best meet your needs for inpatient recovery. How can you be […]

Group Therapy

#addiction rehab

#Addiction Therapy

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What Happens in a Group Therapy Program?

12 February 2024

Group therapy is a treatment technique where at least one psychologist or counselor leads people in addressing their issues. In group therapy, groups can range from three to 15 people and often form a supportive accountability network. A group therapy program could be helpful during a person’s recovery. We’re happy to give you more information […]

Music Therapy

#addiction recovery

#addiction rehab

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Benefits of Music Therapy

12 February 2024

The benefits of music therapy cannot be overstated. This evidence-based treatment helps with many conditions, such as autism, substance abuse diagnoses, and depression. At Avedis Recovery, we believe in the benefits of music therapy and would be happy to talk to you more about our music therapy program if you call today at 833.514.0579. What Is […]

Mental Health

#addiction recovery

#addiction rehab

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The Connection Between Mental Health and Addiction

12 February 2024

In co-occurring disorders, like mental health issues and drug or alcohol addiction, each problem has its unique causes and effects. These often impact your home, work, and social life. Unfortunately, many co-occurring disorders also impact each other, amplifying negativity and harm.  When a mental health problem is left untreated, the substance abuse problem worsens. Additionally, […]

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

#addiction recovery

#addiction rehab

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What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?

9 February 2024

Suppose you or someone you care about is considering getting professional help for a mental health issue, such as a substance use disorder. In that case, you might have heard that cognitive-behavioral therapy is a typical form of treatment. But what is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the first place? According to the National Association for […]

Group Therapy

#Addiction Therapy

#Adventure Therapy

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3 Benefits of Group Therapy During Addiction Recovery

9 February 2024

If you’re looking for a group therapy program in Los Angeles or wherever you’re located, you likely have researched the benefits of group therapy. People are typically wary of group therapy programs, especially clients in addiction treatment programs. The thought of opening up and talking about their problems in front of a bunch of strangers […]