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7 Common Signs You Have a Drinking Problem


February 17 2024

Learn the common signs you have a drinking problem. Call 833.514.0579 for alcohol rehab in Los Angeles, California. Alcohol addiction can ruin your life. That is why it is so important to know the signs of a drinking problem so that you can avoid ramifications of alcohol use, such as having your drinking problem lead to accidents or injury. Avedis Detox Center’s Alcoholics Anonymous programs can help support you if you are struggling with signs of binge drinking or the warning signs of alcoholism. Know the signs and reach out to get the right help today.

Signs Of A Drinking Problem

Addiction describes a state wherein an individual must use a substance to avoid specific physical and psychological effects. These withdrawal symptoms can be extremely debilitating, and alcohol use can include anything from headaches to more severe problems like liver issues. Over time, the symptoms will become more pronounced. When left untreated, alcohol use can affect every aspect of your life. There are many warning signs of alcoholism. Here are a few tell-tale signs of an alcohol problem:

  1. Dishonesty–Do you lie about your alcohol use?
  2. Shame–Do you feel like alcohol has affected your relationships and how you interact with others?
  3. Hiding alcohol–Stashing alcohol in the home is a good indicator that you feel guilty for drinking or need to hide your alcohol use.
  4. Drinking more than you intend–Drinking more than you intend is a sign of binge drinking behavior which can lead to serious consequences.
  5. Changes in your tolerance level–Do you need more alcohol to feel its effects?
  6. Drinking instead of other activities–When friends suggest a hang-out, do you center your social interactions around getting alcohol?
  7. Causes relationship problems–Have loved ones or acquaintances come to you with concerns about your drinking? Has your drinking caused problems within your close relationships or at the workplace?

If you are struggling with any of the above signs, there is still time to get the help you may need. Avedis Detox Center offers an alcohol rehab near Los Angeles, California, that can help you find your way to recovery.

Know The Signs Of Binge Drinking

Many of the signs of binge drinking are similar to those of a drinking problem. This is because binge drinking is an early indicator of a serious alcohol problem. Binge drinking is when you consume large amounts of alcohol over a very short period, leading to serious physical, financial, and social repercussions. When you are engaging in binge drinking behavior regularly, you are well on your way to alcoholism. There is a way to reverse this trajectory, though. Here are some of the signs of binge drinking behavior:

  • An inability to cut the amount of alcohol that you consume
  • Strong alcohol cravings
  • Use of alcohol while driving or biking
  • Use of alcohol worsens psychological or health symptoms
  • Alcohol tolerance becomes very high
  • You will do anything to get alcohol
  • Alcohol use affects your work or schoolwork

If you are exhibiting the signs of binge drinking, then there is still time to make a change in your life. Start your journey to sobriety today with Avedis Detox Center’s alcohol rehab.

Avedis Detox Center Offers A Comprehensive Alcohol Rehab In Los Angeles, California

If you are struggling with the signs of an alcohol problem in your life, then now is the time to get help. Avedis Detox Center’s alcohol rehab near Los Angeles, California, can help you recognize the warning signs of alcoholism before it is too late. Our holistic methods will address both your physical addiction and your emotional need for alcohol. This means that this whole-body approach will show you how best to cope with the stressors in your life. At Avedis Detox Center, your plan is personalized to your needs, so you don’t have to worry about a plan that doesn’t work for you.

Don’t wait; call us at 833.514.0579 to learn more about your plan. Take control of your drinking today.

#alcohol rehab los angeles

#signs of alcoholism

#signs of an alcohol problem

#signs of binge drinking

#signs of drinking problem


February 17 2024

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